Quote 1 - Keep on creating opportunities for yourself , as life is very short .
Quote 2 - Keep on moving as every path is made for you .
Quote 3 - Move in the right direction and see how you create a better place for yourself .
Quote 4 - Never be afraid of loosing anything , because if you win you can turn the world upside down .
Quote 5- Do not have blind faith in anyone , as the world is filled with monsters with smiley faces .
Quote 6 - If something makes you happy go ahead for it and remember no body else's opinion matters.
Quote 7- Every path has a puddle win it .
Quote 8- If you have faith in yourself no one can steal your identity from you .
Quote 9 - Life has simple rules , growth is a process .
Quote 10 - Stop listening to the noise of the world outside , start listening to that voice that lies deep inside you .
Quote 11- Chase your dreams , because chasing people is not your tradition .
Quote 12- Being brave is being great .
Quote 13- If time does not stops for anyone then why do you wanna stop for yourself .
Quote 14 - Creating destiny is in your own hands and no one can define it for you .
Quote 15 - Make yourself worthy of appreciation .
Quote 16 - Be grateful for everything in life .
Quote 17 - Keep on growing and no need to measure your success rate .
Quote 18 - Feel the courage of standing up and moving ahead .
Quote 19 - Bring about a change as you are a change .
Quote 20 - Basic need in life should be to please yourself rather than satisfying others.
Quote 21- Love the way you are , as the thing which matters is only being unique and different .