Quote 1 - "Change is consistent when you believe in the power of your dreams."
Quote 2 - "Let the deepest and the darkest night shine with your sparkle."
Quote 3 - "The rains reminded me, why flowers bloom and the moon reminded me that magic still exists and the sun reminded me that you should never dull your shine."
Quote 4 - "We smile for a reason and the reason can be anything, because your smile is a precious jewel."
Quote 5 - "Give me a chance to bloom and I will win in every difficult situation."
Quote 6 - "The amount of pain you receive from others, shouldn't break you it should make you even more stronger."
Quote 7 - "Taking a break from toxicity is necessary, it can become a therapy for your mind."
Quote 8 - "You are a star, shine in your own brightness and don't let anyone dull your shine."
Quote 9 - "Let's bloom in our own happiness."
Quotes shape our mind the way we think and act.