Happy world book day to all the readers!!
World Book Day, is known by different names around the globe some people call it 'World Book and Copyright Day' or 'International Day of the Book', it is an annual event organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote reading, publishing and copyright.
Some of the famous quotes regarding books-
1. "A book is a gift you can open again and again".
2. "There is no friend as loyal as a book".
3. "A room without books is like a body without a soul."
4."A writer begins a book and a reader finishes it."
5. "Take a good book to bed with you - books do not snore."
The World Book Capital is an initiative of UNESCO which recognizes cities for promoting books and fostering reading for a year starting on 23rd April, World Book and Copyright day cities which are designated as UNESCO World Book Capital carry out activities with the aim of encouraging a culture of reading in all ages and sharing UNESCO's values.
World Book Day is the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, this day also celebrates the birth of many great authors, as Baroness Gail Redbuck, founder of World Book Day, stated "We wanted to do something to reposition reading and our message is the same today as it was then - that reading is fun, relevant, accessible, existing, exciting, and has the power to transform lives."
World Book Day encourages children and young people to read for pleasure through its work with authors, illustrators, publishers, bookshops and libraries some people like to read biographies of the most influential people in history, like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. While, some people read novels like "Frankenstein" to Stephen King's "Carrie" some prefer classics like "Pride and Prejudice" or the "Old man and the sea."
Books have been educating and inspiring us for more than thousand years, books are simply pieces of paper with words on them they are a gateway into another world whether it is full of fiction and imagination or a factual world that teaches you incredible things. This day is all about celebrating wonderful power of books and the joy of reading it is not a day to indulge in the love for books but, a day where everyone can access books.
Books were not the same as they are today, when writing systems were invented in ancient civilizations thousands of years ago, clay tablets were used later on. Humanity moved on to using papyrus in the 3rd century the Chinese were the first to make something which truly resembled today's books these books made by the Chinese consisted of thick bamboo pages sewn together in the mid 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg's printing press brought books into the industrial revolution.
Interesting Facts -
1) There are over 130 million books in existence.
2) The act of smelling old books is known as bibliosmia.
3) The lengthiest sentence ever printed consists of 823 words.
4) There are 80 million active users on the famous book site Goodreads.
5) People living in Iceland are active readers as compared to other people in the world.

"The only thing you have to know is the location of the library."
"I am a part of everything that I have read."
"Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out."

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